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Are mums and bubs exercise classes really any different to regular fitness classes?

Jul 16, 2020   •   
Are mums and bubs exercise classes really any different to regular fitness classes?

Hell, yes! (Well, at least they should be.)

Here’s 5 hell-ishly good reasons why:

1. They are your tribe

The exercise class will solely comprise of mums – and you are all in it together. Whether that be crying babies, sleep deprivation, leaking nipples, sore boobs, or just shock at going through a complete life change, everyone surrounding you will have been there and will totally ‘get it’. This common ground will provide you with a whole new social network, support your mental wellbeing and may even result in some new life-long friends. I’m not sure you’d get that level of understanding from the bloke next to you on the gym leg press 😉

2. Qualified post-natal trainers will take you through a full pre-screening

A properly qualified and educated post-natal trainer will ask you lots of questions about your pregnancy, your birth and your recovery. They will want to know if you have any abdominal separation, if you have any symptoms of a potential pelvic floor weakness or prolapse, if you have any C-section scar discomfort or if you had an assisted delivery or a large baby. These things are all red flags for requiring exercise modifications and a full post-natal check with a Women’s Health Physio before returning to exercise.

3. Sessions will be post-natal SAFE

If you join a general population exercise class straight off the back of having a baby, you might be asked to run, skip, crunch, or dare I say it, star jump. Your post-natal body and your pelvic floor might not be ready for such high intensity exercise, however you might feel like you have to keep up with the other participants in the class and be too embarrassed to ask for a non-pant-wetting version! At a mums and bubs class, instructors will not be offering a ‘one-size fits all’ session and exercises will be modified to be safe for pelvic floors, abdominal separation and any other post-natal concerns.

4. Classes will focus on rebuilding strength where you need it

A good post-natal trainer will understand how important it is to work to your weakest link (in all likelihood your core or pelvic floor) and will emphasise the importance of transverse abdominus and pelvic floor activation (and relaxation). The simple stuff will be done well and the fancy stuff will come later!

5. It’s ok to just show up

We know. Mums and bubs instructors and other clients know that sometimes it is enough to just be out of the house, at the class and moving a little. If energy levels are lacking, there will be no expectation to ‘go hard’ and no judgements for pulling back. We know that every little counts. 😊

By training with any of the Body Beyond Baby affiliates, you can be sure that your mums and bubs exercise class will be doing the above and will most definitely be different to a regular fitness class. You can find your nearest trainer here.

Carly Steggles runs Buggy Bootcamp in Manly, Sydney. To find out more about her and get in touch, click here.

You can also find her on Instagram.

Carly Steggles runs in . Learn more about Carly and today.

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