Breech Babies and Moxibustion

Using Moxibustion with Breech Babies.
In our recent article on Breech Babies we mentioned the use of Moxibustion. But what is it and how does it help? Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves burning a herb called mugwort close to specific acupuncture points on the body. When used to help turn a breech baby, moxibustion focuses on the acupuncture point known as Bladder 67 (BL67), located on the outer corner of the little toe.
When can you use moxibustion for a Breech Baby?
Studies suggest that it’s best to attempt to turn a breech baby around 34 weeks however the reality is that most women don’t know their baby is breech until 36-7 weeks.
Prior to performing moxa your practitioner will discuss your full health history with you. They need to ensure it is safe for moxa to be performed. If an ECV has been declined by your hospital then this means that unfortunately moxa cannot be performed to turn your baby.
How is Moxibustion Applied?
During a moxibustion session for a breech baby, here’s what typically happens
- The acupuncturist assess’s the mother’s overall health and pregnancy status. They may also use other acupuncture points to promote relaxation and balance the body’s energy.
- The acupuncturist lights a moxa stick. This looks like a large incense stick and is made of tightly packed mugwort. The lit end is held close to the BL67 point on each of the little toes, for about 15-20 minutes. The warmth from the moxa stimulates uterine activity and encourages the baby to move into a head-down position.
- After your initial treatment you may be sent home with some moxa sticks so that you can apply it daily for approx. 15 mins each time for several days. If baby is going to turn they usually do it within the first 72 hour period.
- Your acupuncturist will schedule you in for a follow up appointment a week after your initial treatment – and if baby hasn’t yet turned – will also be able to provide a second treatment for you.
- If you are booked in for an ECV – moxibustion can be used prior to having an ECV as a way of trying to turn baby before needing an ECV. In general, if an ECV is scheduled – having at least one session of moxa is beneficial.
What are the benefits of using moxibustion?
Moxibustion provides and excellent way to aid with repositioning a breech baby. Evidence suggests that moxibustion plays a part in reducing the number of breech presentations at term with no side effects. It is also used to warm areas of the body with the intention of stimulating circulation and lymphatic flow. Additionally, it smooths the flow of Qi and blood and expels pathogenic influences. The scent of moxa is very distinct and many people find it to have a therapeutic and relaxing aroma.
How to Find a Qualified Acupuncturist
Moxibustion is a gentle, non-invasive technique that can be a helpful tool in encouraging a breech baby to turn naturally. However, it’s essential to work with a knowledgeable practitioner and consult with your healthcare provider to ensure it’s the right choice for you. When looking for an acupuncturist experienced in moxibustion for breech babies, consider the following:
- Ask for a referral form your healthcare provider, midwife or doula.
- Make sure that are registered
- Have a consultation first to discuss your needs, understand the treatment plan, and ensure you feel comfortable with the practitioner.