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Empowered Birth

Written by Julia Bartrop
Oct 7, 2024   •   
Empowered Birth

Empowering Labor with Acupressure and Birth Support

Labor is a challenging yet empowering experience. Having the right support can make all the difference for a truly empowered birth. For many couples, dads or birth partners play a crucial role in providing both emotional and physical support during labor. One of the most effective, natural ways to assist is by using acupressure and calming techniques to keep the body’s natural hormones flowing smoothly. This article outlines how dads, birth partners, student midwives, or even friends can help, with a focus on techniques that stimulate oxytocin, the hormone responsible for labour contractions.

The Role of Oxytocin in Labor

Oxytocin, often referred to as the ‘love hormone’, is essential during labour as it stimulates contractions and helps the laboring woman feel calm and connected. High stress levels, anxiety, and an uncomfortable environment can interfere with oxytocin production. This is why creating a soothing and supportive atmosphere is important.

Empowered birth via Birth Partner

Having a supportive partner during labor can be incredibly beneficial for the labouring woman. Here are some ways they can assist:

  • Emotional Support: Reassuring words, gentle encouragement, and just being present are invaluable. Labor can feel overwhelming at times, and having a calm, supportive presence can help reduce anxiety and keep the labor progressing smoothly.
  • Calming the Room: A calm, relaxing environment encourages the natural flow of oxytocin. Dimming the lights, playing soft music, and using aromatherapy can create a soothing atmosphere. Avoid too much noise or disruption, and keep the focus on comfort.
  • Simple Massage Techniques: Gently massaging the shoulders can help release tension, reduce adrenaline (the stress hormone), and promote relaxation. This encourages the natural release of oxytocin. Many women experience discomfort in their lower back during labor. Applying gentle pressure or massage in this area can provide pain relief and stimulate endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

Empowered Birth

Acupressure Points to Stimulate Labor

– LI4 (Hegu)**: Located between the thumb and index finger, pressing this point can help stimulate contractions and reduce pain.
– SP6 (Sanyinjiao)**: Located on the inner ankle, this point helps with cervical ripening and can enhance uterine contractions.
– BL32 (Ciliao)**: Found on the sacrum, applying pressure here can help relieve pain and strengthen contractions.

Suggestions for Induced Labor

If labour needs to be induced, oxytocin may be administered artificially through a synthetic hormone called Syntocin . It’s often best to start with a low dose of Syntocin to mimic the body’s natural rhythm and give the labouring woman’s body time to adjust. This can help avoid overwhelming contractions and allow the body to respond more gradually to the induction process.

Even with induction, acupressure can support natural labour processes, help manage pain, and keep the labor progressing smoothly.

Involving Student Midwives and Other Birth Partners

A student midwife or another birth partner can play an essential role in supporting the laboring woman. Here’s how they can assist:

  • Providing Extra Hands: Apply acupressure to key points during contractions, help change the laboring woman’s position, or assist with massage.
  • Relieving the Main Birth Partner: Giving the main birth partner a rest by utilising a second birth partner.
  • Offering Emotional and Practical Support: Student midwives are trained to provide emotional and physical assistance, helping the laboring woman feel safe and cared for.

Empowered Birth with proactive support

Here are some additional ways to stay actively involved during labor:

  • Help with Position Changes: Encourage the laboring woman to change positions regularly. Positions like squatting, being on all fours, or using a birthing ball can help open the pelvis and encourage the baby’s descent.
  • Breathing Techniques: Encourage slow, deep breathing to reduce tension and focus the labouring woman’s energy. Breathe along with her to help maintain rhythm.
  • Applying Acupressure: Learning how to apply acupressure to key points like **LI4** and **SP6** can give birth partners a hands-on way to assist in keeping labor moving.

Empowered Birth 3

Creating an Empowering Birth

Acupressure is a natural, non-invasive way to help the body during labour by promoting the flow of oxytocin, reducing pain, and encouraging efficient contractions. When combined with emotional and physical support from a birth partner, these techniques can make labour more comfortable and effective.

Birth partners have an important role in not only helping the labouring woman manage pain but also in creating a loving, calm, and supportive environment that allows labor to progress naturally.

Final Thoughts

Labor is a unique and personal experience for each couple, but having the right support and techniques can make it smoother and more empowered. Whether you’re a dad, partner, student midwife, or friend, your involvement can help ensure a positive labour experience.


Rumbold, A., & Crowther, C. A. (2008). **Acupuncture and acupressure for pain management in labour**. *Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews*.
Smith, C. A., & Collins, C. T. (2011). **Acupuncture for induction of labour**. *Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews*.
Australian Government Department of Health. (2022). **Pregnancy care guidelines**

Written by Julia Bartrop
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