International Midwives Day

The Midwife is Caring for Tomorrow’s World
International Midwives Day falls on Sunday 5th May. Interestingly, this year, the theme is ‘Sustainable Midwifery: Caring for Tomorrow’s World’.
This is a curious and thought-provoking topic. It’s definitely not a surface level, click bait theme. It’s far deeper and more significant and consequently, it warrants our time and consideration as Mothers, Health Professionals and Consumers.
How are midwives linked to sustainability, environmental considerations and caring for tomorrows World? Let’s dive into that a bit more.
The origins of the Midwife and her sustainable future
Have you ever considered that midwifery is one of the most historical professions? And that Midwife literally means ‘with woman’!
In the context of birth, the practice of midwifery can be traced back to 40,000 BC in the palaeolithic era with skills learned from observing other mammals and their birth practices.
Climate change is one of the biggest threats to our Global community. Sustainable factors in midwifery care are crucial for our consideration as a species so that we can continue to survive and thrive in the context of climate change and maternal health.
For context, those born in 2020 will experience up to 7 times more extreme weather events than those born in 1960. Along with these extreme weather events come negative affects on the physical and psychological wellbeing of women and their families. For those women and mothers who already live in parts of the world where resources are less available, the effect on their wellbeing is increasingly detrimental.
Global consequences of things such as rising temperatures, sea level rise, air pollutions and disasters (floods, fires, droughts, storms) are stressful, and can lead to weakened health systems, increased violence in the household, increased incidence of infectious diseases, impacts of food and water systems, which can lead to suboptimal outcomes in pregnancy and postnatal wellbeing like low birth weights, preterm births, disorders in pregnancy and flow on effects for poor health as our babies grow into adolescents and adults.
You can make a difference towards these outcomes as women, mothers, women in business and young people. Adopt sustainable environmental practices and be energy efficient. These are just a few small steps we can make as individuals.
Practical steps for a better tomorrow
- Walk where possible instead of driving (see all our pram walks articles)
- Use a reusable stainless steel water bottle for you and your kids
- Use reusable bags for shopping
- Plant a tree with your small people
- Recycle, Reuse and Repair where possible
- Discuss the importance of sustainability with friends and family
- Attend the FREE virtual international day of the midwife conference on 5th May for midwives and ANYONE interested in childbirth
Midwives, Sustainability & MumSafe Trainers
Through getting in touch with your local Mumsafe trainer, you can contribute towards sustainable public health measures by keeping fit and strong and therefore investing in preventative health care. Additionally, the global Climate related effects on ill health will be reduced through looking after your physical wellbeing.
Midwifery is holistic and comprehensive and collaborative. Continuity of midwifery care (via hospital based MGP/ or private midwifery / homebirth) throughout your pregnancy is a fantastic, gold standard care provision that not only has been proven to improve health outcomes for women and their babies but also has a positive environmental impact through reducing rate of medical intervention in pregnancy and birth, subsequently reducing the environmental impact of pregnancy, labour and birth.
One step at a time, we can come together and make a difference.
By Laura Tieppo, Registered Midwife, Registered Nurse and Mumsafe Trainer, Owner of Salut Mumma, Pambula NSW 2549
Laura Tieppo runs Salut PT in Bega Valley Shire, New South Wales . Learn more about Laura and Book your Trial today.