Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

A month of POP (pelvic organ prolapse)
June is pelvic organ prolapse (POP) awareness month. POP affects millions of women across the world so a month of awareness is a good idea! In this article I want to talk to you about one woman with POP, me. This is my story.
My Story of POP
I am an active person. I love swimming, hockey, running, skiing and bodyboarding. It was this love of sport that led me to study exercise science at University as well as coaching hockey, teaching swimming and leading running groups. You could that I’m a movement lover who loves sharing the love of moving!
When I became pregnant with my first baby, I had no idea what types of of exercise were safe/suitable during pregnancy. My university degree barely mentioned pregnancy, let alone how to safely move after you’ve had the baby. I was scared of hurting my baby so apart from short walks, my first pregnancy was fairly sedentary.
After my first birth, I just expected to feel ‘normal’ again after 6 weeks. In reality, I was only just starting to emerge from the newborn fog at that time and exercise was the last thing on my radar.
SuperMum + Kegels
When I did feel ready I started attending classes and over the course of the next 9 months became the strongest I’d ever been. I had some awareness about Kegels and did some when I remembered but that was about it. I continued to exercise regularly right up until the week before I had my second baby. My recovery from my second birth was much quicker and I was back to classes as soon as I could get there. Over the following year I trained for, and ran, a half marathon. Often doing long training runs whilst pushing a double pram, I felt like I was a super mum!
Pelvic Floor Prolapse – what’s that?
At 12 months postpartum, whilst running fast on a downhill section, I felt something strange in my vagina. The following days I had a feeling of a tampon not being in right and knew something was wrong. It was uncomfortable to walk. I found a women’s health physiotherapist who diagnosed me with pelvic organ prolapse. This was apparently common, but I had never heard of it before.
Stop doing what you love!
Being advised to stop running and not lift anything over 5kg devastated me. I was on track for a personal best in my next half marathon. Plus I had a baby and a toddler (both over 5kg) who required lots of holding/carrying/lifting. They put on a 12 week pelvic floor strengthening programme which felt painstakingly slow. I was still breastfeeding and told I may not see a huge improvement until I stopped, which I wasn’t ready to do. Not only were my symptoms uncomfortable (all day), I also struggled mentally. I could no longer do what I loved and wondered why this happened and why hadn’t I heard of it before?
Life after prolapse
Over the next few years I educated myself on pelvic health, women’s health and pre/postnatal exercise. This created my mission to help women to understand more about their bodies and how to move safely and effectively after babies. My aim is to reduce the incidence or severity of pelvic floor dysfunction and improve maternal mental health. Within my business I now work in person and online with mums with pelvic floor dysfunction to help them move well, get stronger and feel great.
My prolapse is now managed well with a pessary. I am able to run after the kids, play hockey and workout. I understand my body so much better and know how to adapt things when my symptoms flare up. It will always be something I have to manage but know now that I can live a normal life with a prolapse.
More info on POP
I want you to know that there is HOPE for you too! If you are reading this, you are already in the right place and surrounded by amazing fitness professionals with a similar purpose to my own. You are strong and you are not alone. Ask questions and let’s help you get the help you need to reach your goals.
We have a whole catalogue of articles on POP on the MumSafe website and another good nuts and bolts explanation can be found over on Your Pelvic Floor.
Caren Van Gastel runs Empower Me Fitness & Consulting in Dunedin, South Island . Learn more about Caren and Book your Trial today.