Postpartum Exercise Choices

Postpartum Exercise & when to Burpee!
Postpartum Exercise options can be confusing – when IS the right time to increase the intensity and complexity of a movement? The postpartum body needs to be acknowledged and respected. There is physiology present. This means an individual circumstance needs to be considered. Just because she CAN do a burpee, doesn’t mean that she SHOULD do a burpee.
One year postpartum is not the green light to do any exercise
It is important to acknowledge that even though she may be ‘a year postpartum’ that does not mean she’s automatically cleared for more complex or intense exercise prescription. She may have had significant impact on pelvic floor and associated muscle groups due to her birth experience or her postnatal journey which need to be considered.
Just because she can do a burpee, does not mean she should.
Jen Dugard
One woman may have multiple contraindications to consider. She may have had a significant prolapse (common with 2nd births onwards) or a levator ani avulsion injury (common with forceps birth). She may also experience stress incontinence (wee when jumping or coughing). And yet she may also have a mindset that is telling herself that ‘its time to move harder and faster’. So, off she goes and does her burpees only to find later that day, week, month her symptoms are worsening.
Postpartum Exercise Choices – to Burpee or not?
Mental and physical health are linked inexplicably. One woman may feel that burpees make her feel strong and capable. This then compliments her mental wellbeing in the challenging world that is motherhood. For reasons that make her feel ‘strong’ or ‘worthy’ she may continue with her burpees but this could also be at the detriment of her physical health.
MumSafe Trainer – Postpartum Exercise Specialists
At Mumsafe, we have knowledge to share and are excited to empower women with information. When we work with women, we love to explain why it is important to strengthen from the inside out. We need to learn to activate pelvic floor and core muscles effectively so that we are developing strong foundations. If we train in a way that compliments the physiology of our postpartum bodies (acknowledging that postnatal is forever), then we can train in a way that promotes strength and wellbeing forever into our postnatal world.
A body that experiences stress incontinence when doing a burpee once does NOT mean that every burpee onwards is destined to cause ongoing incontinence. Train from the inside out, strengthen and regain awareness of pelvic floor and core to support our bodies to do what we would like them to do.
Let’s not rush this journey. Let’s be mindful, consider how this wonderful group of pelvic muscles and surrounding structures have been carrying our babies inside our bodies for many months. They have effectively supported a great deal of additional loading. They need rehab and prescriptive exercise in order to effectively function with dynamic movements.
Just because she CAN do a burpee, doesn’t mean that she SHOULD do a burpee… yet.
Reach out to your Mumsafe trainer to learn more about Postpartum Exercise.
Laura Tieppo runs Salut PT in Bega Valley Shire, New South Wales . Learn more about Laura and Book your Trial today.