Top 5 tips on how to work out with a new baby

I get it. Exercising with a new baby isn’t easy. I have been there. Twice.
I am a huge lover of exercise and after having my boys all I wanted to do was jump straight back into my exercise routine. The realisation sank in that I didn’t have the freedom that I used to, so I knew I had to find new ways of exercising!
So, I’m sharing my top 5 tips on how to make working out with a new baby more achievable. I hope my personal experience can help you too.
My top tips are:
1. Absolutely take advantage of bub’s nap times
Instead of feeling like you have to do all the jobs around the house, prioritise yourself and complete a workout. If bub will only sleep on you (oh yeah, I know what that’s like) use a baby carrier to do some lower-body work or go out for a walk with the pram while bub sleeps and grab yourself a coffee. There’s nothing quite like exercise, coffee and fresh air!
2. Get yourself a workout buddy
Being on maternity leave means you can catch up with other mums in the same boat and arrange some exercise. You could meet at a gym that has a creche, meet for a walk with the pram or meet at the park for a few laps of the oval. And hey, you could always throw in a bodyweight workout while you are there! Alternatively, you can even take turns babysitting while one of you has a workout. Having a buddy also means you will keep each other accountable.
3. Make use of baby-free opportunities
If hubby offers to look after bub while you step out of the house, DO IT! Give yourself a break and go for a walk, run or get yourself to a gym class. It doesn’t have to be long but it will do you good both physically and mentally.
4. Make exercise short, but effective
If your exercise time is limited, do a short 10-20 minute workout including bodyweight strength exercises along with some cardio. Plan your workout before you start; pick 3-4 exercises and repeat. Put some workout music on to help switch off your mind.
5. Join a Mums and Bubs group fitness class
Mums and Bubs group fitness classes are a great way to exercise and socialise with mothers in a similar situation. Look for a Mums Group fitness class in your area, where you can take bub with you while you work out. To find an accredited and experienced mum-focused fitness service in your area, click here. You will be well looked after by a MumSafe™️ Trainer.
If you are a new mum returning to exercise and are not sure where to start check out our FREE Safe Return to Exercise for New Mums program to learn all you need to know.
Emma runs Motivate Mums in Buderim on the Sunshine Coast, QLD. To find out more about her and get in touch, click here.
You can also find her on Instagram.
Emma Bunting runs Motivate Mums in Sunshine Coast, Queensland . Learn more about Emma and Book your Trial today.