Acupuncture for Children

Unlocking Wellness: Enhancing Babies’ and Teenagers’ Health through Acupuncture
Welcome back, dear readers, to another insightful journey into the world of holistic wellness. Today, we delve into a topic that might raise some eyebrows: acupuncture for children from babies to teenagers. You might be surprised to learn how this ancient practice can contribute to the health and vitality of our youngest generation. Let’s explore the precise benefits and techniques that acupuncture offers for babies and teenagers alike.
Acupuncture for Children – Babies
It’s only natural for parents to be concerned about the well-being of their little ones. Acupuncture, which involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into specific points on the body, might seem daunting for babies. However, the practice has been adapted to suit the needs of our tiniest patients.
When treating our little ones – we have a range of treatments for them – including Acupuncture, Tui Na massage and Stiper therapy.
I can attest that young babies love a treatment with acupuncture and with massage – both my girls had acupuncture from when they were only a week old!
We are able to assist with a wide range of issues for babies and young children including:
- Digestive issues – colic, wind, bloating, poor digestion, constipation, diarrhoea, reflux, pain, sleep issues, coughs , colds, asthma, bed wetting as well as assisting in building up their immunity and teething issues.
- In older children – anxiety and stress with school may also arise and we are able to assist them by balancing the emotions as well as the physical body – through massage, acupuncture, stiper or piezo therapy.
Tui Na Massage
For infants, Tui Na, a form of Chinese massage therapy, serves as a gentleprecursor to acupuncture. This technique involves various soothing strokes and acupressure points, promoting digestion, sleep, and overall relaxation.
Stiper Therapy
Alternatively, we utilize adhesive patches with micro-needles, stimulating acupuncture points without penetration. This non-invasive approach is particularly useful for addressing colic, teething discomfort, and respiratory issues in babies.
As concerned caregivers, you might wonder, what conditions can acupuncture assist with in infants? Research suggests that it can effectively alleviate issues such as sleep disturbances, colic, digestive problems, and even support a strong immune system in these precious beings. You might be wondering what would a paediatric treatment would involve – below I share an example scenario.
Emily’s Acupuncture story
Meet Emily, a six-month-old bundle of joy who has been experiencing sleep disturbances and frequent bouts of colic. Her parents, Jessica and Michael, are concerned about her well-being and are seeking natural solutions.
After consulting with a qualified practitioner, they learn about the Tui Na massage technique. This gentle massage helps regulate Emily’s digestive system and promote relaxation. Emily’s first session involves soothing strokes and acupressure points that are specifically tailored to her needs. Over the course of a few weeks, Emily’s sleep patterns start to improve, and her colic episodes become less frequent.
The practitioner also introduces stiper therapy, a non-invasive technique, to help with Emily’s teething discomfort. Small adhesive patches with micro-needles are applied to specific points on Emily’s body. This stimulates her body’s natural healing response and provides relief from teething-related discomfort.
Emily’s parents witness a significant improvement in her sleep quality and overall well-being. They’re amazed at how acupuncture, tailored to the needs of babies, has made a positive impact on their daughter’s health.
Acupuncture for Children – Teenagers
Navigating the tumultuous teenage years can be a challenge, both for the youngsters and their parents. Acupuncture presents a holistic approach to support teenagers during this transformative phase. The teenage years are awkward – they have raging hormones, feelings that they can’t put into place whilst also growing at a rapid rate. Add to this the constant pressure with school, social lives, sports commitments and family it can become a confusing and stressful time for teenagers.
Generally, from 12 years old it is a similar process to that of an adult. Acupuncture needles will be left in for 20-30 mins so that we are able to restore balance – physically, assist with emotions as well as providing a calming environment for them to detach from their busy lives.
We can assist with many issues including: stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue, digestive issues, pain, sports injuries, sleep issues, acne, tight muscles, growing pains, muscle cramps as well as menstrual issues for young girls – assisting with irregular periods, period pain, headaches and much more.
Each treatment with teenagers is individualized and tailored to their specific needs. If they are sacred of needles – we can use stiper or Piezo therapy instead – which has exactly the same benefit.
Cupping is also very effective is assisting with common colds, cough and tight muscles.
Piezo Acupuncture
This innovative technique uses mechanical pressure instead of needles, making it a great choice for teenagers who might be apprehensive about traditional needling. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and aid in promoting mental clarity and emotional balance.
Empowering Reproductive Health
Acupuncture offers valuable assistance for teenage girls, particularly in addressing menstrual irregularities, painful periods, and overall reproductive health. By balancing hormonal fluctuations and promoting better blood circulation, acupuncture can provide relief from cramps and discomfort associated with menstruation.
Furthermore, acupuncture can play a role in supporting overall well-being, promoting stress management, and enhancing focus and concentration among teenagers.
Example: Acupuncture for Teenagers
Sophia is a 16-year-old high school student who is facing the challenges of academic pressure and emotional stress. She often finds herself overwhelmed and anxious, affecting both her studies and her social life. Her mother, Maria, believes in holistic approaches to wellness and decides to explore acupuncture as a way to support Sophia during this critical phase.
Maria schedules a consultation and the practitioner recommends Piezo acupuncture. During the sessions, Sophia experiences the gentle pressure of the Piezo device on specific points, helping to ease her anxiety and improve her mental clarity.
Furthermore, Sophia shares about her irregular menstrual cycles and painful periods. The practitioner explains how acupuncture can help regulate hormonal imbalances and reduce period pain. Over several sessions, Sophia notices a remarkable reduction in her period discomfort and a more regular menstrual cycle.
As Sophia continues her acupuncture sessions, she learns relaxation techniques and mindfulness practices that further aid in managing stress. Her focus improves, and she feels more equipped to handle the challenges that come her way.
Expertise and Safety
It’s important to note that acupuncture for babies and teenagers should always be administered by qualified practitioners who specialize in treating young patients. Ensuring a safe and comfortable experience is paramount. Consultation with a knowledgeable practitioner will provide parents and caregivers with insights into the best approach for their child’s specific needs.
In conclusion, acupuncture holds a plethora of benefits for both babies and teenagers. From easing common discomforts in infants to fostering emotional resilience and hormonal balance in teenagers, this holistic practice offers a comprehensive approach to wellness. So, embrace the wisdom of ancient healing and empower the young generations with the gift of balanced health.
Stay tuned for more insightful articles on holistic well-being!
1. Vickers AJ, et al. Acupuncture for chronic pediatric pain: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2016;26(5):483-9.
2. Landgren K, et al. Acupuncture reduces crying in infants with infantile colic: a randomised, controlled, blind clinical study. Acupuncture in Medicine. 2010;28(4):174-9.
3. Chiu HY, et al. Effectiveness of Acupressure in Improving Menstrual Symptoms and Quality of Life in Young Women with Dysmenorrhea. Pain Management Nursing. 2017;18(3):167-75.