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What’s your Motherhood Truth?

Jen Dugard
Written by Jen Dugard
Jul 6, 2018   •   
What’s your Motherhood Truth?

I’ve been sitting on this for a little while but have decided to dig deep and share what i’m labelling as #thetruth

The truth is I love my babies with all my heart.
 The truth is I’ve never really found motherhood “easy”.

Through one tough time I was told by a family member “Don’t let your kids hear you say it’s hard”

Why not?

It is, I love them dearly and they challenge me immensely.

I want them to understand life challenges.

But isn’t that what those close to you give to you?

A chance to grow and learn about yourself through the hard times and the good?

A chance to grow to become the person you would love them to become.

I suffered PND after India was born.

I’ve suffered ups and downs since high school.

I still do.

The truth is, when its tough I can keep 99% of every other part of my world together but my beautiful babies are one of my biggest triggers.

I also know they feed off and feel me and therefore we challenge each other.

The truth is behind the smiling photos on Facebook there are often lots of tears.

That this last school holidays is the VERY FIRST time I’ve felt like i’m nailing it as a mum.

And by nailing it I mean that we could really enjoy and relax with each other.

That I kinda don’t give a shit anymore if we are seemingly ‘stuffing it up’, we are muddling through the world together and laughing more.

They are 6 & 8 now.

The truth is there’s more to Motherhood than pelvic floors that need to be talked about, that I want to talk about and for you to talk about (though your pelvic floor is SUPER important and you should get to know it well).

There are tears and tantrums as well as the smiles and sunshine we put out into the world.

And as we mark the end of Mental Health awareness week for 2016 we all need to find our truth and SHARE our truth – it’s not complaining when we are sharing to support and learn and grow.

No matter what you are going through when every one else’s smiling photos are staring back at you – you are never alone, you just have to find the courage to scratch the surface a little.

Whats your #motherhoodtruth

Jen Dugard
Written by Jen Dugard

Mum-focused author, educator and business owner, Jen Dugard is on a mission to ensure every woman is safely and effectively looked after when she becomes a mother. She is a highly qualified trainer and fitness professional educator and has been specialising in working with mums for over a decade. MumSafe is the go-to place online for women to find mum-focused fitness services that are all accredited, experienced and partnered with women’s health physios so you know you are in very safe hands.

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