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Why I exercise with a MumSafe Trainer

Nov 1, 2022   •   
Why I exercise with a MumSafe Trainer


Safe, effective exercise in the motherhood years is a well spoken about topic by professionals but the voice of the mothers themselves is often overlooked. So, today we are turning our article over to Cath, a Mum of four, to hear her voice on how she navigated this path. This is her story as to how she found that a MumSafe Trainer was right for her and why.

My Journey to a Healthy Pregnancy and Motherhood

During my journey into motherhood, I have put my usual exercise routines on pause. Also, my ability to participate safely in team sports has quickly reduced and I wanted to find a new routine that would be safe for my changing body. The changes in hormones and how my body was able to comfortably move were pushed to their limits during pregnancy and early postpartum.
And that is when I found myself, 8 years ago, at the beginning of my journey with Anita from Fit for 2.

I see many fitness trainers, who are experienced and who say they were able to continue smashing out sit-ups, bench presses, deadlifts and marathons throughout their own pregnancies, but that’s not me. I needed to find someone to work with me and my body. When I started working with Anita, I knew she was the right Trainer for me because she addressed my specific pregnancy and post natal needs.

Why a MumSafe Trainer is the right fit for me:

  • Nurtures my altering structure. I was (and still am) an absolute sponge when it comes to anything pregnancy & birth related.
  • Helps me retain a level of strength & fitness that is necessary to assist me in the delivery of my baby.
  • Exercising safely in an encouraging environment that works with my body’s changes, whilst supporting the healthy development of my unborn child.
  • Modifications for every exercise so no matter how new you are to exercise or how far along with your pregnancy you are or how recently you have had your baby, there is a level of exercise you can participate in.
  • Anita ensures all her clients have a medical screening & her classes are heavily focus on maintaining a safe pelvic floor & core engagement – that sits right with me.
  • Maintaining a level of fitness that enabled me to have enjoyable pregnancies with like-minded ladies in a similar phase of their lives to share my journey with.

There is no element of pre or post-natal exercise that Anita doesn’t cover.

Why I chose a MumSafe Trainer to Exercise with.

  • She is an accredited Safe Return to Exercise (SRE) Trainer with MumSafe whom is also a Qualified Midwife!
  • I am completing exercises in class that are new to my programming & I love it! I feel I am learning so much as the education provided by Anita is so valuable.
  • Anita is experienced in the labour & birthing process – she know’s women’s bodies well.
  • She is a mother of 2 herself – she gets it!
  • She is across to the latest findings & research & has developed her program based on what she knows actually works.
  • Anita has links to a team of other health experts who can also work with me.

My Exercise Journey in Motherhood 2
Over the last 6.5 years I have had 4 healthy kids with all my babies over 4 kilograms at birth. I know how important my health and fitness is to get me through my busy days. Participating with a MumSafe Trainer like Anita allows me the time to focus on myself and helps me to rediscover a self-belief that I can achieve anything!

Anita Guerra runs Fit For 2 in Melbourne, Victoria . Learn more about Anita and Book your Trial today.

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