Why you need your mums and bubs class during COVID-19 more than ever before

Let’s go back in time a few weeks. Before all of this began. You have a baby and a toddler, or maybe just the one. It’s raining outside and your usual outlet is a walk and your morning exercise class. You are either locked in your house listening to the rain or you are wandering aimlessly around your local shopping centre passing the time because YOU JUST HAD TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE.
Fast forward to NOW. This is LIFE. Except now you can’t even escape to the shops any more. You are going a bit stir crazy, the kids are OK… sometimes… but a little feral and the TV has become your babysitter. If you are home alone you are managing double the juggle and if you are home with your partner you are managing communicating with a grown-up as well (I’m not sure which is harder) – the extra set of hands definitely helps!
But you are now missing YOUR time. There’s no taking the kids to the park just so you can breathe for a moment and let them run off some steam. There’s no popping in to your local café while your bub is asleep in their pram taking a moment to gaze into your coffee or having an adult conversation with a friend or stranger. And for those of you that we know love your group exercise class, that has gone too!
And I feel you! Exercise makes me a better person, a better mum! Exercise keeps me sane and it helps me start my day right. It’s my regular social activity and human connection and if I go too long without it I start getting a little lost, and a little angry.
And so, while we are all facing days, weeks, even months in our current lockdown situation we have to find ways to move and to connect for both our physical and mental health.
So, here are my top FIVE reasons as to WHY you need your (virtual) mums and bubs fitness class more than EVER right now:
- ONLY other mums ‘get it’…! Do I even need to explain this further?
- The SOCIAL connection you get when you invite your trainer AND your mums and bubs group into your lounge room will brighten your day.
- MOVEMENT is king in this situation – we know energy creates energy and if we fall into a cycle of non-movement, digging ourselves out and back into real-life will be HARD.
- You need other WOMEN and MOVEMENT for your SANITY!
- With many personal trainers moving into the online or virtual space, knowing that your trainer is qualified and experienced in working with mums is not only vital to ensure you are being guided through the right exercise but also in ensuring their insurance covers them for the exercise they are giving you (ask for their credentials).
So, if you had been training with your group and let it slide when COVID-19 happened, or you’ve never embraced the mums and bubs exercise experience, I can’t think of a better time to get involved.
All of the trainers listed on our website with the ‘Now offering virtual training’ banner are accredited in Safe Return to Exercise, registered with their governing body, partnered with a Women’s Health Physiotherapist and hold the correct insurance to train you as a mum and in your lounge room.
So – what are you waiting for!?

Mum-focused author, educator and business owner, Jen Dugard is on a mission to ensure every woman is safely and effectively looked after when she becomes a mother. She is a highly qualified trainer and fitness professional educator and has been specialising in working with mums for over a decade. MumSafe is the go-to place online for women to find mum-focused fitness services that are all accredited, experienced and partnered with women’s health physios so you know you are in very safe hands.